Friday, May 18, 2012

What causes cold sores?

To avoid unpleasant consequences it is useful to know what causes cold sores. Frankly speaking it is enough to say three words to answer the question what causes cold sore. These words are "virus herpes simplex". Maybe you heard that there are two types of this virus. A lot of people know that herpes simplex 2 is the cause of common sexual disease, and herpes simplex 1 is the cause of cold sore. This virus is very foxy. It may live in the body of each person and "sleep" for years and show evidences of its presence. The statistics says that about 80% of people who live in North America are carrier of herpes virus (first type). So you see that this disease is extremely common and even if you or somebody from your surrounding has this condition it is not the reason to be frustrated.
Generally the herpes simplex 1 in its inactive state lives in the nerve cells of the individual's body. A lot of people may have this virus inside but never see its manifestations on the surface (for example on lips). As a rule it is not very hard for our immune systems to cope with this virus and defend us from it. But sometimes when the immune system is very weak or due to some other triggers this insidious virus may travel to the surface of the body and show everybody its features. At the time when the virus spreads down the nerve cells it frequently increases its quantity. This "trip" of the virus from inside to the surface is usually accompanied by tingling and subsequent clusters of blisters. In most cases it is located on the individual's lips.
In learning what causes cold sores it is helpful to know some specific triggers that may cause "waking up" of dormant herpes 1 virus. Among these causes it is possible to distinguish the next items: cold weather (have you noticed that the greater part of people who suffer from herpes you may see on the streets in winter?); fatigue; fever which may be caused by any infection; menstrual periods; stress (both mental and physical); physical irritation of the lips (this may happen after the visit to the dentist); sunlight and sunburn.
Answering the question what causes cold sores I cannot help not to say about that cause which may lead to the occurring herpes on your body even if you do not have it inside. I am talking about the direct contact with the affected person (touching the area where you may see herpes evidences, using the same towel, cup of lipstick with the person who has this disease). This virus can be transmitted even through handshaking in the case if the affected person touches herpes blisters and then without washing them touch your hands. But when the blisters are crusted over you may shake hands with no danger – this person is not contagious any more.
How to prevent cold sores
There are two main advices how to prevent cold sores. The first is to avoid contacts with infected body fluids. It means that it is extremely useful not to kiss your beloved when he or she has herpes on the surface. The second advice is to avoid using together with the sufferer the same spoon and knives, cups and towels, lipsticks and other item which the person who is the carrier of the virus may use.

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