Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are cold sores contagious?

Are cold sores contagious? This question is very interesting for the lot of the people. The answer is not very pleasant, but really, this disease can be spread from one person to another very easily and quickly. It happens because illness is caused by very complicated virus. This is the reason which causes a lot of problems for the people.
Virus of the cold sores cannot be treated. It can be in the body for the very long time, but its symptoms appear only with the time. Even the best cure is impossible in this situation. Such factors as stresses, illnesses or sunlight usually can make cold sores appear. People can acquire this disease even in the childhood, for examples by kisses of the infected relatives. But cold can get its outburst only in the older age. Sometimes it is passed by the salvia, because oxygen is not necessary for this virus to survive.
Some people can ask: are cold sores contagious from the first signs. The most dangerous period of the cold sores begins with the first symptoms of the disease. First of all there appear terrible and painful redness on the lips. People with this disease can be already dangerous, because virus can be easily passed already on this phase. This period of the disease is more suitable for cold spreading.  This virus is cold Hvs-1. It is situated in the special substance, with which sores are usually filled. Sometimes sores can be healed in less than one week. In this case it won’t bring any damage to the bodies of others peoples.
Some people wonder, are cold sores contagious in the period of scrubbing. All the doctors insist that it is so. This phase of the illness is very painful and it usually provokes big suffering in people with this disease. Scrubbing parts of the lips and skin doesn’t contain harmful viruses. But they are still in the blood. It continues to damage skin on the face. That’s why there can be viruses in this area of the body. Human body fights with it and tries to get rid of these symptoms. That’s why there appear a lot of the scrabbles in the damaged places. These parts of the body very often start to itch. People always touch it. Such as scrabbles are filled with infected substances, it can be spread to other persons. In the same time this process can take place also during smiling, taking meal.
Skin can remain red even after the healing. It means that the virus is still available in those parts of the human body. Suffering people should be always very attentive to avoid the infestation of the others.
Cold sores are very wide spread malady, but it is possible to avoid it. There are some advices, which can prevent people from getting this disease. First of all it is strongly recommended to avoid any contacts with infected people. It is forbidden to kiss them or touch damaged skin. Such as infected substance can be passed to the glasses and plates, it is better not to use the dishes of other people. Every person must have only her/his own toothbrush. It is better to avoid touching of the hands of other people, if you suspect that they can have cold sores.
So, this disease requires big caution. That’s why you should remember those questions are cold sores contagious have only one answer: yes, they are.

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