What are
cold sores?
Cold sores are
small fluid-filled bubbles that appear on lips, nose or mouth. Then they break
and become to be painful, wet ulcers. The cause of this condition is a virus
which is called Herpes simplex virus. There are many types of herpes viruses.
Cold sores are caused by Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Duration of cold
sores is 2-15 days, but usually 3-5 days. Herpes virus can not be eliminated
from organism, it persistent in a nervous tissue. Remission can be very long;
this time you will not see any wounds on your lips. Exacerbation can develop
after any stress factor such as super cooling, respiratory viral disease,
emotional stress and others.
simplex is very contagious. It can be transmitted by direct contact with the
body liquids, skin-to-skin contact. 65-90% of people are infected with herpes
What is
Lysine is
essential amino acid that you take every day with your diet. It is important
amino acid that can not be synthesized in organism, that is why it is important
to take enough amounts of it. The nutritional requirement for children is
60-100 mg per kilogram a day, for adults – 12 mg per kilogram every day.
Legumes contain highest amount of lysine.
Lysine is an
important building amino acid in human organism. It takes part in calcium
absorption, building of muscles, hormones production and also production of
antibodies and enzymes.
Lysine has
many positive effects which allow using this food supplement in treating of
some diseases. It was founded that this amino acid helps to fight cold sores,
to reduce anxiety, to treat cancer. Lack of lysine causes immunodeficiency.
intake of lysine decrease frequency of cold sore outbreaks, especially in
combination with Vitamin C, bioflavonoids and Zink. These ingredients work in
synergy together. So lysine cold sores treating
is one of the best.
What is
mechanism of action?
It is
interesting that not only lysine has some action on herpes virus. Arginine
backwards can provoke outbreaks and supplies viral replication. Arginine is
required amino acid to herpes virus and lysine repress arginin metabolism and
doesn’t allow virus activation.
Also lysine
helps to organism to produce antibodies. It is a second action mechanism. Sold
sores outbreaks always appear when immunity is low from some reason. Usually
this reason is stress. But lysine helps to supply level of antibodies and make
organism more stable to stresses. That’s why it is important to take lysine for
cold sores treatment.
improves wound and ulcer healing, so it will help you to get rid of cold sores
What food contains
high amount of lysine?
There Are
many food that contains high levels of lysine. There are:
- Almost all vegetables and fruits, especially beets, avocados, mangos, tomatoes, apples, apricots, pears, figs and papaya
- Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt
- Eggs
- Different meet – chicken, beef
- Sprouts
What are
forms of lysine for cold sores?
Lysine can
be synthetic or natural. Natural form is more effective. Synthetic forms are
cheaper but, it’s more difficult to process them. Manufacturers often notice
that their lysine is a “free form”. It means that its clean, individual amino
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