Friday, May 18, 2012

What causes cold sores?

To avoid unpleasant consequences it is useful to know what causes cold sores. Frankly speaking it is enough to say three words to answer the question what causes cold sore. These words are "virus herpes simplex". Maybe you heard that there are two types of this virus. A lot of people know that herpes simplex 2 is the cause of common sexual disease, and herpes simplex 1 is the cause of cold sore. This virus is very foxy. It may live in the body of each person and "sleep" for years and show evidences of its presence. The statistics says that about 80% of people who live in North America are carrier of herpes virus (first type). So you see that this disease is extremely common and even if you or somebody from your surrounding has this condition it is not the reason to be frustrated.
Generally the herpes simplex 1 in its inactive state lives in the nerve cells of the individual's body. A lot of people may have this virus inside but never see its manifestations on the surface (for example on lips). As a rule it is not very hard for our immune systems to cope with this virus and defend us from it. But sometimes when the immune system is very weak or due to some other triggers this insidious virus may travel to the surface of the body and show everybody its features. At the time when the virus spreads down the nerve cells it frequently increases its quantity. This "trip" of the virus from inside to the surface is usually accompanied by tingling and subsequent clusters of blisters. In most cases it is located on the individual's lips.
In learning what causes cold sores it is helpful to know some specific triggers that may cause "waking up" of dormant herpes 1 virus. Among these causes it is possible to distinguish the next items: cold weather (have you noticed that the greater part of people who suffer from herpes you may see on the streets in winter?); fatigue; fever which may be caused by any infection; menstrual periods; stress (both mental and physical); physical irritation of the lips (this may happen after the visit to the dentist); sunlight and sunburn.
Answering the question what causes cold sores I cannot help not to say about that cause which may lead to the occurring herpes on your body even if you do not have it inside. I am talking about the direct contact with the affected person (touching the area where you may see herpes evidences, using the same towel, cup of lipstick with the person who has this disease). This virus can be transmitted even through handshaking in the case if the affected person touches herpes blisters and then without washing them touch your hands. But when the blisters are crusted over you may shake hands with no danger – this person is not contagious any more.
How to prevent cold sores
There are two main advices how to prevent cold sores. The first is to avoid contacts with infected body fluids. It means that it is extremely useful not to kiss your beloved when he or she has herpes on the surface. The second advice is to avoid using together with the sufferer the same spoon and knives, cups and towels, lipsticks and other item which the person who is the carrier of the virus may use.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Are cold sores contagious?

Are cold sores contagious? This question is very interesting for the lot of the people. The answer is not very pleasant, but really, this disease can be spread from one person to another very easily and quickly. It happens because illness is caused by very complicated virus. This is the reason which causes a lot of problems for the people.
Virus of the cold sores cannot be treated. It can be in the body for the very long time, but its symptoms appear only with the time. Even the best cure is impossible in this situation. Such factors as stresses, illnesses or sunlight usually can make cold sores appear. People can acquire this disease even in the childhood, for examples by kisses of the infected relatives. But cold can get its outburst only in the older age. Sometimes it is passed by the salvia, because oxygen is not necessary for this virus to survive.
Some people can ask: are cold sores contagious from the first signs. The most dangerous period of the cold sores begins with the first symptoms of the disease. First of all there appear terrible and painful redness on the lips. People with this disease can be already dangerous, because virus can be easily passed already on this phase. This period of the disease is more suitable for cold spreading.  This virus is cold Hvs-1. It is situated in the special substance, with which sores are usually filled. Sometimes sores can be healed in less than one week. In this case it won’t bring any damage to the bodies of others peoples.
Some people wonder, are cold sores contagious in the period of scrubbing. All the doctors insist that it is so. This phase of the illness is very painful and it usually provokes big suffering in people with this disease. Scrubbing parts of the lips and skin doesn’t contain harmful viruses. But they are still in the blood. It continues to damage skin on the face. That’s why there can be viruses in this area of the body. Human body fights with it and tries to get rid of these symptoms. That’s why there appear a lot of the scrabbles in the damaged places. These parts of the body very often start to itch. People always touch it. Such as scrabbles are filled with infected substances, it can be spread to other persons. In the same time this process can take place also during smiling, taking meal.
Skin can remain red even after the healing. It means that the virus is still available in those parts of the human body. Suffering people should be always very attentive to avoid the infestation of the others.
Cold sores are very wide spread malady, but it is possible to avoid it. There are some advices, which can prevent people from getting this disease. First of all it is strongly recommended to avoid any contacts with infected people. It is forbidden to kiss them or touch damaged skin. Such as infected substance can be passed to the glasses and plates, it is better not to use the dishes of other people. Every person must have only her/his own toothbrush. It is better to avoid touching of the hands of other people, if you suspect that they can have cold sores.
So, this disease requires big caution. That’s why you should remember those questions are cold sores contagious have only one answer: yes, they are.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lysine for cold sores

What are cold sores?

Cold sores are small fluid-filled bubbles that appear on lips, nose or mouth. Then they break and become to be painful, wet ulcers. The cause of this condition is a virus which is called Herpes simplex virus. There are many types of herpes viruses. Cold sores are caused by Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). Duration of cold sores is 2-15 days, but usually 3-5 days. Herpes virus can not be eliminated from organism, it persistent in a nervous tissue. Remission can be very long; this time you will not see any wounds on your lips. Exacerbation can develop after any stress factor such as super cooling, respiratory viral disease, emotional stress and others.
Herpes simplex is very contagious. It can be transmitted by direct contact with the body liquids, skin-to-skin contact. 65-90% of people are infected with herpes virus.

What is lysine?

Lysine is essential amino acid that you take every day with your diet. It is important amino acid that can not be synthesized in organism, that is why it is important to take enough amounts of it. The nutritional requirement for children is 60-100 mg per kilogram a day, for adults – 12 mg per kilogram every day. Legumes contain highest amount of lysine.
Lysine is an important building amino acid in human organism. It takes part in calcium absorption, building of muscles, hormones production and also production of antibodies and enzymes.
Lysine has many positive effects which allow using this food supplement in treating of some diseases. It was founded that this amino acid helps to fight cold sores, to reduce anxiety, to treat cancer. Lack of lysine causes immunodeficiency.
Daily intake of lysine decrease frequency of cold sore outbreaks, especially in combination with Vitamin C, bioflavonoids and Zink. These ingredients work in synergy together. So lysine cold sores treating is one of the best.

What is mechanism of action?

It is interesting that not only lysine has some action on herpes virus. Arginine backwards can provoke outbreaks and supplies viral replication. Arginine is required amino acid to herpes virus and lysine repress arginin metabolism and doesn’t allow virus activation.
Also lysine helps to organism to produce antibodies. It is a second action mechanism. Sold sores outbreaks always appear when immunity is low from some reason. Usually this reason is stress. But lysine helps to supply level of antibodies and make organism more stable to stresses. That’s why it is important to take lysine for cold sores treatment.
Lysine improves wound and ulcer healing, so it will help you to get rid of cold sores faster.

What food contains high amount of lysine?

There Are many food that contains high levels of lysine. There are:
  • Almost all vegetables and fruits, especially beets, avocados, mangos, tomatoes,  apples, apricots, pears, figs and papaya
  • Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt
  • Eggs
  • Different meet – chicken, beef
  • Sprouts
What are forms of lysine for cold sores?

Lysine can be synthetic or natural. Natural form is more effective. Synthetic forms are cheaper but, it’s more difficult to process them. Manufacturers often notice that their lysine is a “free form”. It means that its clean, individual amino acid.